Rosemary Ndubuizu

Rosemary Ndubuizu (she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Black Studies at Georgetown University. Her research interests include welfare policies, post-civil rights affordable housing politics, social movements, (black) feminisms, and the black radical tradition. She has published articles in Feminist Formations, Urban Affairs Review, Du Bois Review, and Women’s Quarterly. She is completing her first manuscript, The Undesirable Many: Black Women and their Struggles against Displacement and Housing Insecurity in the Nation’s Capital (under contract with University of North Carolina Press). When not writing, she typically organizes with primarily long-time black Washingtonians at Organizing Neighborhood Equity DC (ONE DC).

Research Project: Capital Saviors: Amazon and DC’s Affordable Housing Crisis

With a Gender+Justice Initiative Fellowship, I will write and submit a peer-reviewed article about Amazon’s growing influence in social welfare politics. Moreover, this article examines Amazon’s impact on existing racial and gendered discourses that influence social welfare funding priorities and real estate practices.